Rock Hill Theatre appreciates your support with the help of Playbill Advertisements! This is opportunity allows for major fundraiser in support of local performing arts and business exposure for you. This funding helps increase our effort to produce and maintain great quality theatre as we work together as a community.

Rock Hill Theatre is a non-profit organization and we want to thank all the local businesses who have supported us…plus future business collaborations!

We offer various packages and price ranges, so much sure to check out what we have available for your business.

Thank you,
Rock Hill Theatre

  • If you are interested in purchasing a playbill ad for our current season, below is the list of requirements to consider before submitting your business ad.

    + High-resolution PDF or JPEG files accepted; 300DPI min for printing

    + Ads may be printed in grayscale or color

    + Ads must be received 2 weeks prior to opening night of desired production.
    + You will receive an invoice from our finance team to finalize your playbill ad purchase.

    If you have any questions/concerns, please email us at